"Nancy joins me in sending you our best wishes
for the success of your vital work."
Ronald Reagan, President
"Dr. Charles B. Simone, an expert in the field of
cancer research and treatment, is an individual
for whom I have the highest respect."
Peter W. Rodino, Jr.
Chairman, Judiciary
"If everyone would follow Dr. Simone’s Plan,
we would make major strides toward putting
the cancer doctors out of work."
Robert A. Good, M.D.,Ph.D.
Former Director, Memorial
Sloan Kettering Hospital
"I congratulate Dr. Simone on innovative work."
Dr. Linus Pauling,
Two Unshared Nobel Prizes
"This book and program should be in all homes and all schools in the early grades. Congratulations, Dr Simone, you have done a great service for all of us."
Lendon Smith, M.D.,
Author, "The Children's Doctor"
"Valuable and timely. Should prove beneficial to the public."
George E. Stringfellow,
American Cancer Society
"Excellent work"
Dr. Denis Burkitt, FRCP
"Thank you for all your work on behalf of alternative therapies."
Tom Harkin, US Senator
"I agree with you that we need to focus not just on
treatment but also on prevention."
Henry Waxman, US House
"Your work will reduce cancer."
William Bennett, Former
Secretary of Education
"Thank you for having the courage to come forward.
Your testimony was a powerful indicator of the great
need for change in America's system of health care, and
the importance of an individual's freedom of choice
when treating illness."
Dan Burton, Chairman
Committee on Government
Reform & Oversight