Protective Health with Scientific Truth

"What is needed is some person, some institution, some inescapable 'force' that captures the imagination of our citizens and demonstrates that cancer and other diseases will be eliminated only when each of us comes to understand that this can only occur as part of a lifelong process of sanity, balance, moderation, and self-respect."

Internist - Medical Oncologist - Tumor Immunologist - Radiation Oncologist - Author - Inventor - Health Advocate
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Cancer's Worst Enemy 
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Cards Conquering Cancer 
The most influential people say...

"Nancy joins me in sending you our best wishes for the success of your vital work."
   Ronald Reagan, President

"Dr. Charles B. Simone, an expert in the field of cancer research and treatment, is an individual for whom I have the highest respect."
    Peter W. Rodino, Jr.
    Chairman, Judiciary

"If everyone would follow Dr. Simone’s Plan, we would make major strides toward putting the cancer doctors out of work."
    Robert A. Good, M.D.,Ph.D.
    Former Director, Memorial
    Sloan Kettering Hospital

"I congratulate Dr. Simone on innovative work."
    Dr. Linus Pauling,
   Two Unshared Nobel Prizes

"This book and program should be in all homes and all schools in the early grades. Congratulations, Dr Simone, you have done a great service for all of us."
    Lendon Smith, M.D.,
   Author, "The Children's Doctor"

"Valuable and timely. Should prove beneficial to the public."
    George E. Stringfellow,
   American Cancer Society

"Excellent work"
    Dr. Denis Burkitt, FRCP

"Thank you for all your work on behalf of alternative therapies."
    Tom Harkin, US Senator

"I agree with you that we need to focus not just on treatment but also on prevention."
    Henry Waxman, US House

"Your work will reduce cancer."
    William Bennett, Former
   Secretary of Education

"Thank you for having the courage to come forward. Your testimony was a powerful indicator of the great need for change in America's system of health care, and the importance of an individual's freedom of choice when treating illness."
    Dan Burton, Chairman
   Committee on Government
   Reform & Oversight

Copyright 2013
Charles B. Simone, M.MS., M.D.
(609) 896-2646

Crisis del cáncer en los Estados Unidos y América Latina

En los Estados Unidos las disparidades de salud para los hispanos con cáncer están aumentando y esto lleva a los diagnósticos de cáncer en etapas posteriores, menos tratables.

Además, los países de América Latina corren el riesgo de ser inundados por la creciente crisis del cáncer si no se toman medidas de control del cáncer. La tasa de mortalidad por cáncer es casi el doble que en los Estados Unidos y Europa. La mitad de la población de América Latina (320 millones de personas) no tiene seguro de salud inadecuado o no que lleva a un menor acceso a la atención para los pobres y para los que viven en comunidades rurales o indígenas. Por lo tanto más personas están siendo diagnosticados con cáncer en etapas posteriores, menos tratables también.

La Comisión Lancet Oncología convocó a una conferencia en Sao Paulo el 25 de abril de 2013, con la American Cooperative Oncology Group Latina y el informe incluye a los países de América Latina y el Caribe: Argentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, República Dominicana República, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guayana Francesa, Guyana, Honduras, Haití, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú, Puerto Rico, Paraguay y El Salvador.

Entre las diversas soluciones dictadas por la Comisión de 2013 para la creciente crisis del cáncer es alentar a las personas a adoptar estilos de vida más saludables. En 1980, Charles B. Simone, MD escribió Cáncer y Nutrición, el primero de su género que le proporciona un plan de estilo de vida saludable para prevenir el cáncer. Debido a este trabajo, el Dr. Simone ayudó a fundar la primera Oficina de Medicina Alternativa en los EE.UU., de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud. Dr. Linus Pauling, dos veces ganador del Premio Nobel y fundador de la medicina ortomolecular, dijo el Dr. Simone: "Te felicito por el trabajo innovador."

El Cáncer y la Nutrición le proporciona la plan de diez puntos Simone. Siguiendo fácil Plan de Point del Dr. Simone Ten se puede reducir el riesgo de cáncer, o bien, si usted tiene cáncer, usted puede ayudar a prolongar la vida útil. La elección es suya.

Cancer Crisis in the United States and Latin America

In the United States health care disparities for Hispanics with cancer are widening and this leads to diagnoses of cancer at later, less treatable stages.

In addition, Latin American countries risk being overwhelmed by a growing cancer crisis if cancer control measures are not undertaken. The death rate from cancer is nearly double that in the United States and Europe. Half of Latin America’s population (320 million people) has inadequate or no health insurance that leads to less access to care for the poor and for those who live in rural or indigenous communities. Consequently more people are being diagnosed with cancer at later, less treatable stages also.

The Lancet Oncology Commission convened a Conference in Sao Paolo on April 25, 2013 with the Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group and their report includes countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Argentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, French Guiana, Guyana, Honduras, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Paraguay, and El Salvador.

Among the several solutions issued by the 2013 Commission for this growing cancer crisis is to encourage people to adopt healthier lifestyles. In 1980 Charles B. Simone, M.D. wrote Cancer and Nutrition, the first of its genre that provides you with a healthy lifestyle plan to prevent cancer. Because of this work, Dr. Simone helped to found the first Office of Alternative Medicine in the US at the National Institutes of Health. Dr Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Laureate and Founder of Orthomolecular Medicine said to Dr Simone: “I congratulate you on innovative work.”

El Cancer y la Nutricion provides you with the Simone Ten Point Plan. By following Dr. Simone’s easy Ten Point Plan you can reduce the risk for cancer, or, if you have cancer, you can help extend your life. The choice is yours.